Monday, 20 February 2023

Routines for 2023

 So, what is life like in 2023 for me?

Whilst this half term seems too short to mention a proper routine I would say my mornings are busy enough with running twice a week, soup kitchen on Thursday and La Turbie walk on Wednesday. On Tuesday afternoons I have piano and twice a week I take Leia to kick boxing in the evenings resulting in a late(ish) dinner. On Wednesdays the girls still do LAMDA and we have an early dinner before Husband comes home. Friday nights we head to the house although these days we are just as happy staying in Monaco and enjoying the apartment. Into that mix I usually manage to have a good Skype call with my lovely friend Nancy who has left Monaco for the US and an occasional coffee or lunch with another good friend who has returned to Monaco! So yes, life is busy enough! 

On top of that I have both girls in Secondary school and this is now a short walk away. We rarely take them or pick them up from school now so that has freed up some time. But in contrast the girls now have very varied timetables. Each day they finish at totally different times. It can be 15h45, 17h00 or a crazy 18h00!! On top of that classes can be cancelled and the child has the option to leave the school. Why? I just cannot see the benefits of such long days or a lack of routine. I can’t imagine an 11 or 12 year old knowing how to use those free hours of a cancelled class productively. I can not believe any child can work well with a 10 hour day at school. I am learning to accept the French system but still not grasping its benefits. And don’t get me started on half day Wednesday…. 

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