Tuesday, 7 June 2022


The good news is we are travelling and mostly without restrictions. What a wonderful feeling!

The bad news is travelling often means delays, problems with pick up and drop offs, lost luggage and a lot of waiting around.  Yes, travelling itself is rather inpleasant. 

The girls and I flew to London. It was a disaster. Our taxi driver forgot the booking and didn't show up. Our flight was two hours delayed. Our taxi pick up in Heathrow was late. We got to London utterly drained!! Of course all this was forgotten when I saw our beautiful Cheval apartment and shared a glass of wine with my parents who had arrived earlier.  Being back in London after two and a half years was great. We visited our old local restaurant, enjoyed the delights of Shezan across the road, got an extravagant takeaway from Harrods, relished popping into Waitrose for a quick shop, spent way too much time in Harrods. I got my brows done at last! 

It was good to be back in my town. Feeling comfortable and confident. Able to make small talk with with the friendly newsagent, with the attentive waiter,  with shop assistants it makes such a difference to your day when you understand everything and don't have to think about sentance structures! 

Most importantly it was a memorable moment when we woke up on the Saturday and were able to wish my dad a Happy Birthday in person. At last! 

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