Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Super Smug Tuesday

 I know it is only the second day of the holidays. I know that there is plenty of time for it all to go very wrong but for today I am just going to enjoy feeling rather smug. 

Our staycation started with a lovely relaxing weekend at home. We didn’t venture out once! There was delicious comfort food and plenty of quiet time. Bliss. Yesterday the girls and I wrote up some aims for the holidays and gave our days a loose structure so that we had something to focus on if we felt lost. We planned our menu for the week and I am letting the girls cook lunch instead of baking cakes and biscuits every day. We also slotted some time in for reading, exercise and board games. 

So Monday was pretty relaxing. I did washing and cleaned bathrooms. Then it was reading and clearing out. The girls did their homework, played with Lego and then spent a surprising amount of time practicing their roller skating. When they got bored they prepared dinner - leek and potato soup. Around 17h00 I was called down for nibbles and cards. Then the finishing touches to the soup before we sat down to an unusually early supper. It was very tasty but next time we need to double the quantities. A quiet evening lay ahead, we watched a film and then read some more before bed. 

This morning I carried on reading while the girls made their breakfast. Then they made bread. I carried on reading. Then the dough was made, kitchen ‘cleaned up’ (in theory and to their standard) and they got their school bags and did their homework AND still I lay in bed reading savouring every minute of this new experience! When the homework hour was over the roller skates came on and yes, your are right, I continued to read! By 11h00 the book was finished and they were prepping for their cheese, ham and onion omelette!! I showered, dressed and eventually made an appearance downstairs! What a morning! I seriously feel like I just had a holiday!!

Now I am writing as they make cinnamon rolls. I have given up sugar for Lent and it is proving quite easy this year if rather dull. I have said that home made treats will be the occasional exception to my rule. But this isn’t about me and Lent this is about two little people downstairs, they are chatting away, staying busy and utterly enjoying their kitchen independence. I am in total awe of their enthusiasm, persistence and confidence in the kitchen - they don’t get it from me! I am ridiculously proud of them. Can you tell?

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