Clearly I am only writing because I am feeling rather smug. It is only Wednesday 5th January and already this Monaco Mrs of 2022 is surprising me!
I don’t aim for New Year’s resolutions but I did think there were some bad habits I could break. I have dropped my morning online browsing of Westwing and Veepee that offer “deals” everyday. I use to browse in the morning while on the phone to my mum. Not any more. Now I have started walking while I talk. The two days I have done it they have been 3km walks! After the call I’ve done 6km runs followed by a short walk home. It has proven a good way to get my 10,000 steps by 09h30am!!
I have also dropped my evening on line browsing and general online shopping addiction. Wow! How much time did I waste just aimlessly browsing? In brief: A LOT. And what do you do with all that free time? I guess you just remain a bit more present and a bit more aware.
There are other things I’d like to add to my day and I will slowly resume brain training, piano, some form of exercise other than running and start taking all the vitamin pills and powders I buy and then leave in cupboards as if their mere presence is enough to work their magic! I expect I will waste less and read more. I want to do a 0 to 5km training programme with the girls too. Despite my good start to the year this week has been a little strange. Husband has been at home working these last two days as like many people around the world he is unfortunate enough to be a “contact case”. It is hard staying in routine when he is around and whilst Monday was amazingly productive Tuesday and Wednesday have been much less so. Plus this afternoon, like every Wednesday the girls have been home. Not much I can do there
So yes, despite everything 2022 is off to a good start!
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