Wednesday 4 August 2021

Time (written a while ago)

 Is it me or have the days gotten longer? 

I am coming to the end of my stay in Monaco having left the girls in Valencia with my parents. Wow! Days are long! I have lazed about, moved furniture, reorganised cupboards, packed, cleared out, read, watched films during the day. It has been relaxing but also a little dull. Don’t get me wrong, it is heavenly to wake up naturally and not be woken up. It has been a delight to not deal with breakfasts, lunches and dinners. I’ve utterly enjoyed my evenings out with husband but overall the days do feel a little emptier, I miss the noise, the chatter, laughter and giggles. I miss their energy and their enthusiasm. I miss their cuddles and holding their little hands. But I’m glad I am missing all that, it will make the reunión all the sweeter.

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