Thursday, 15 April 2021

So over it!

I have written a couple of times but decided against posting them. They were so  VERY negative.  And I was so VERY whinge-y. Sometimes you can see that things aren't as bad as they could be and you feel grateful. Other times you focus on things not being as good as you'd like and you feel guilty. And that is basically my life at the moment. I know I am so lucky and yet I feel so fed up and frustrated!! I want to stamp my feet and scream (on behalf of everyone and not just myself) "IT'S. NOT. FAIR!!!" And then I just want someone I trust and can rely on (and not politicians with agendas) to tell me everything is going to be ok, not yet but SOON. And while we will still have to be vigilant and careful we can go back to LIVING. Living life as we knew it. You know, going out, being spontaneous, hugging each other, travelling, reuniting, wanting interaction... otherwise known as LIFE. LIVING. ENJOYING. BEING.

I am a grumpy mess. I have a super short fuse at the moment. I am unimpressed with myself. I am unimpressed with the so called early "holiday". We have no where to go and nothing to do. The girls still have things scheduled like LAMDA exams and a piano recital. These have now fallen in their holiday when previously it was in term time. I found myself arguing with strangers today outside a bakery... I do not recognise this person I've become but I do know her days are numbered. She is on her way out! 

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