Friday, 23 April 2021

Changes, mindset & positivity

Slowly. Slowly. Cautiously. Quietly. Carefully. Changes are noted. Moods are changing. Hope is on the horizon. 

I'm not going to deny there have been low moments on this "holiday". Miserably low moments that I couldn't even indulge in because there is that constant guilt that I am one of the lucky ones! But today is different. Today feels hopeful. Today feels like a new start. Maybe it is the warm embrace of the April sun lifting my spirits like an old friend or the delicate blossom on the trees around me, possibly it is the kaleidoscope of colours that Spring flowers offer... Maybe it is the cheerful birdsong. Or the calming murmurs of the gentle breeze. All I know is that today feels different... 

As I walked to and from the village I thought about how this is the mindset I want to keep.  Because it is all about the mindset. But it is so easy to be positive when surrounded by the beauty of nature enhanced by gentle sun light...

And so I tell myself I must remember all the good things that happened this holiday. The little things that I'm sure are adding to my uplifted mood.

1. The girls recital went well. All done in one take!

2. LAMDA exams over.

3. A day with friends. We walked to la Turbie. Had a picnic and walked down with Leia's best friend's family. Then playdates for both my girls.

4. A bit of independence. Girls went to local supermarket alone. And are now charged with doing the recycling alone.

5. Delicious chinese takeaway on Tuesday.

6. Baked a delicious Almond bakewell cake. 

7. Husband and I went for an evening walk for the first time in over a year!! (Curfew is now 9pm. Restaurants are open in the evening too.)

8. Final days of the holiday at the house. Mask free walks and freedom. 

9. My dad had his first jab this week and my mum has hers on Tuesday. 

Yes... change is hopefully on the horizon and in the meantime I must just hold on tight as this roller coaster ride draws to an end and remember this moment NOW. This golden moment of hope and happiness, the perfect storm of spring warmth, colours, light and music that fills me with blessed positivity. 

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