Friday, 29 January 2021

Today's walk

 My friend Liza and I have being walking up to La Turbie most Wednesdays for a while now and I'm embarrassed to admit I still don't know the way!! I just don't pay attention! Now we have started doing longer walks (hikes?) on Fridays when the weather allows. Today's walk was stunning. We walked to La Turbie and then carried on walking further and further up until we got the the Monte Carlo Golf Club all the way in Mont Agel and no where near Monte Carlo!! The views were stunning. The forests beautifully picturesque and we were absolutely alone, masks off and breathing clean air. Hurray!! 

Snow capped mountains in the distance. 

The other side of this view:

And finally a little sign of spring...

Three and a half hours of walking, 16kms and altitude of 768m.  I am so ready for the weekend!!! Enjoy!! X 

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