Friday, 23 October 2020

Half Term Happiness

I love not being tied to a routine. No getting up for school. No appointments. This half term I will miss my family reunions of course but I am also trying to make the most of this sorrowful global situation.

Today is a rainy Friday and both girls have their best friends over. Normally we would be rushing off to London to meet my parents. I'm sad at not seeing my parents. But I am trying to focus on this new experience. No rushing around. No flights. No packed itineraries. No constant juggling act. No spending! No pollution. No crowds. Life truly has slowed down to a crawling pace for us, thanks to COVID. And for the sake of my sanity those are the things I have to stay focused on. 

I can see how I have adapted too. Yesterday I took the girls to an art exhibition in Villa Paloma. Today I have their friends over, something I have avoided for sooo many years. There has been talk of proper camping in the garden?!?!? I guess for me the lack of options and distractions means the girls have my full attention and energy which can't be a bad thing (this may change when I start my new Ken Follet book!).

Next week at the house we will cook and bake, we will have movie nights, hot chocolate, roasted marshmallows. I will make the most of my ESPA goodies. I will make more use of my mountain climber. I will breathe fresh air. I will read my new book. I will pray, meditate and enjoy those moments of silence.... And just stay focused on the good stuff.

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