Monday, 21 September 2020

The Now

I wanted to start writing again but ended up completely daunted by the "catch up" required. I decided that the simple solution was to just capture the "now" which in it's own way will also be a snap shot of the changed world we are living in. 

So, the girls are happily back at school but wearing masks all day. 

I am slowly getting into a routine which consists of a lot of domestic chores!! Having to wear a mask most of the time makes going out a lot less appealing!!

Over the summer we got new furniture for the girls' bedroom and our sofa bought back in February finally made an appearance. These changes of furniture also resulted in a lot of much needed clearing out!!

The girls have restarted piano and LAMDA. Leia will start kick boxing this week and Amaia has her first book club session tomorrow. I continue with my piano lessons and running.

Now I've just enjoyed my first coffee in the chocolaterie since goodness knows when and now I'm off to a school meeting for Leia's class. 

Pressing send!

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