Thursday, 24 September 2020

Playing catch up

 It is now the third week of school and I feel like I am barely on top of things. 

I am writing this in the cooling shade of an olive tree while sipping a cappuccino, there is a bright blue sky, the sound of running water and generally it is all rather lovely. I am writing this because I think I need to remind myself that there is room for downtime in my day and I need to remember to stop and breathe.  It is the third week of term and I am not feeling on top of things.  

It all started on Monday when I had to send the girls off home alone so I could attend a school meeting which ended up dragging a painful two hours. 

Tuesday I had piano lesson and then the girls started their new book club so it was another late evening for us.

Yesterday I finally sat down and did some long overdue paper work in the morning but then I had the girls from 11h30. They had LAMDA in the afternoon. I prepared dinner. After LAMDA Amaia and I went out shopping for a new outfit for her Communion lunch (October 11th with just the four of us attending- thank you COVID!). We rushed back and I made the girls their favourite- spaghetti con chorizo for dinner before heading back to the shop so Amaia could try her dress on for daddy who passes through the shopping centre on his way home. 

This morning: soup kitchen and then Carrefour. Avoiding public transport means although Monaco is small it still takes a while to walk everywhere and so alot of time is spent walking! 

I'm not sure if I am whinging or having a bad week or feeling slightly overwhelmed by the new routine. But what I do know is that everything will pass. With time things will settle. I will get on top of everything and have more time for quiet coffees and deep breaths!!

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