Friday, 4 December 2020

November News and December dawns...

I started a post on Wednesday but I was tired and cold and quite frankly the post was so dull I could not bring myself to press ‘post’. But yesterday was a very different day. It was crisp and sunny and I needed that blue sky yesterday to turn this post round!

So where did we leave off? Monaco National day and a red and white outfit for Leia. In the end I sent her to school in my own clothes! A pair of cropped white skinny jeans (so skinny I probably haven’t worn them for two years), a long sleeved white péplum top (to hide the huge belt holding the jeans up!) and a cropped red cashmere jumper (didn’t looked cropped on her). She looked great, very teen like and dare I say a dash of the 80s about her!

The rest of the month was quiet as France continued its lockdown and we stayed in Monaco.  It was perfectly pleasant. The girls practised table tennis with Husband, we went for long walks around Monaco  and the girls probably discoverEd more of Monaco this month than ever before!! We got takeaways on Friday, we didn't use the car all month, we had a lot of free time, I was able to go to (a non crowded) Sunday mass again  and Amaia discovered Harry Potter books. Husband did all the serious cooking over the weekend and his standards didn’t drop despite our measly kitchen space. We played board games, watched Strictly, Bake Off and Master Chef , Amaia became slightly obsessed with the US election! I read a shocking amount. We didn’t feel cramped or claustrophobic at all. It really was a surprisingly relaxing and enjoyable month!! 

Last weekend the girls did another LAMDA exam and we are now finished for the term. With that ticked off our list it felt like the countdown for Christmas has finally begun. But what will Christmas be this year? Covid isn’t really cooperating with the usual planning and family reunions is it?

Well, on the plus side I have all my Xmas presents thanks to online shopping and early mornings!  Some to arrive here and some in Spain (just in case). I have made the annual family calendar and year book. I have ordered Christmas treats and wines. I have spent way too much on myself at Space NK (despite knowing their potions and lotions are far from magic!). I have succumbed to the temptation of J.Crew again. My Post Pal friends have all received advent calendars, I sent my gifts to a new family and I am in the middle of my Mrs Claus letter writing to the same boy as last year. It has certainly kept me busy these last couple of weeks. 

Now it is Friday morning, 06h30 and it is raining outside... Amaia is awake sitting next to me reading (devouring) Harry Potter Book 3 (in French! That was the compromise is she wanted to read them in term time).

So unlike Wednesday with my drab post today (and yesterday) I felt inspired. I know it was partly down to the blue sky, also the feel good factor of soup kitchen and maybe even my bright red jumper! After soup kitchen I refused to walk home and instead took a long walk to the digue and around the rock, appreciating the glittering sea, the song of the waves, the gentle heat of the sun, the quiet and calm around me. I walked to the back of the pêcheurs parking and settled onto a warm bench with a view of the rock, thé horizon and the imposingly beautiful Oceanographic museum and I just took it all in, prayed, contemplated, thought and let the minutes pass by luxuriously... lucky, lucky me.

(I am going to press post without checking it over for some reason my screen won’t allow me to see everything I have written....)

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