Wednesday, 11 November 2020

November news

So November... is going "fine". Fine said in a resigned voice which captures the guilt of being healthy, safe and financially secure but also with a dollop of frustration at how limited daily life has become. So Fine. 

We are lucky unlike many places in Europe we are not in lock down and even our curfew from 8pm to 6am is a little flexible if you are out for dinner (then it’s 10pm with the correct paperwork). Schools are open. After school sports activities on hold, Face masks must be worn at all times outside your home from the age of six. Restaurants remain open (and surprisingly busy) for lunch and dinner but coffees and snacks are take away only. None of this impacts on me as I so rarely go out anyway!

The first Monaco week-end went well too. We decided to actually use our dining table at the weekends and not eat in the kitchen. The girls scootered to the park with Husband and played table tennis. We met friends for a long walk on the port. Monaco wasn’t that busy with people but there did seem to be a lot of non Monaco cars around considering France is suppose to be in lockdown! Overall the weekend was very relaxing and for now the flat was perfectly adequate in size to do all we needed to do. Our new sofa is also a hit as it sits all the family in comfort. Perfect for watching Strictly Come Dancing on a Saturday night! 

Other news... 

I am getting into my piano and relearnt Fur Elise now that Leia is learning it too. I’ve finished my Prelude in C Major and moved on to Moonlight Sonata. I’m practicing! And yes, it makes all the difference!

Amaia has discovered Harry Potter and as she keeps wanting to talk about it I have downloaded it to my kindle so we can read and discuss it together. I’m not hooked yet but it is early days. 

So far we have been lucky weather wise and the sun continues to shine most days - deciding what to wear is a nightmare! I’m either too hot or too cold!

I’ve started running again properly. It’s not enjoyable but it makes me feel better. Yesterday a ran 7.5km and the day before I ran 6km. It is on a 1.2km track and is unbearably tedious. I don’t even try and run fast but go slowly and only breath through my nose. It’s a new challenge. Another challenge is the No Finish Line starting in Monaco on Saturday. I have to think about that and what my challenge should be - 10km a day? 50km a week? Hmmmm.....

Right, it’s gone 11am and I need to pick up the girls - stay positive out there! A bientôt!

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